Friday, May 18, 2012

Jack Turned 3!

Mama took the day off school for Jack's Birthday and the boys, Grandma, Grandpa, Papa and Mama got to go on a field trip to the aquarium with Joe's preschool.
Jack got big boy underwear for one of his gifts.

"Jack" unwrapping his new scooter.

Look at Me!

"I'm three!"

My Big Boy

Picking up Grandma for the Aquarium


What parent let their child climb up on the ledge?

"Look, Papa!"

Feeding the Sting Rays

Birthday Lunch at the Aquarium

Watching the Mermaid Show

Action Shots in the Park Outside the Aquarium

My boys are growing up soooo fast!

Grandma and the Boys

Birthday Dinner with Grammy and Grandpo at McDonalds (Jack's pick)

Mother's Day

On Mother's Day we got to spend time with the whole family.  We had a lot of fun!

Keslie, Jard and Mom

Grandma and the Boys (love Jack's angry face!)

Grammy and the Boys

Mama and Her Boys

Josh and His Mom

Joe's Kindergarten Orientation

Joe will start kindergarten at the school Mama works at next year.  He got to come to orientation, visit his classroom and do some fun activities!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Joe T-Ball

Joe ended his Spring T-Ball Season last week.  Here he is getting his trophy and having pizza with his team.  Luckily, Joe will be able to sign up with the same coach and team for Summer T-Ball!
Joe with his coach

Joe with his trophy

Eating pizza with his team

Joe and Art

Joe has really been getting into art lately, which has been fun to watch.  Here is a pic of some homework drawings he just did.
 Below are some animal reports my kindergarten students just completed . . . to think that is where Joe will be in just one year is amazing!