Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Jack's Preschool Museum Field Trip

Last week, Jack went on a field trip with his preschool class to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science.  They are learning all about dinosaurs.  Papa got to go with.

What a fun day!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Joe Earned His Orange Belt!

Joe tested for his Orange Belt at Martial Arts this past Friday and passed!  We are so proud of him!!!
Joe Before Test with White Belt

Joe with Mr. Gonsalves

Joe with Mr. Bush

Joe with His Orange Belt

Thursday, April 18, 2013

African Animal Night

My kindergarten class at school had an African Animal Night.  The students researched one animal and wrote a 3-5 sentence report.  They also made a visual aid to go with the report.  They had their faces painting like their animal and performed three songs before reading their report and showing their visual aid.  Here are some pictures below.  Joe did the same project and joined my class for the celebration!
Students after face painting

Singing their three songs

African Animal Night

Here is Joe reading his baboon report and sharing the lego baboon he made.

Grandma's Birthday

A few weeks ago, we celebrated Grandma's Birthday.  Here are a few pictures at Sweet Tomatoes.
Uncle Jard, Gavin and Jack

Grandma and her grandsons

Friday, April 5, 2013

Spring Break 2013

This past Thursday, Joe and some of his classmates met up at a nearby park to have a play-date!

Museum of Nature and Science

Grandma took us to the museum to see the new Mammoth Exhibit.  It was a lot of fun!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Easter 2013

The Family had a great Easter this year.  In the morning we went to church, then had the Cantrell side of the family over for lunch and then got together with the Steiner side of the family for Dinner.
Easter Morning

Morning Easter Egg Hunt

Joe won the Easter basket drawing from Village Inn!
Lunch Easter Egg Hunt

Wow!  Is this Christmas or Easter?

More Easter gifts at Grammy's

Look!  I found one!

Putting together Easter name puzzles (one piece was hidden in each egg!)
Easter Egg Hunt Outside

Grammy made each grandchild a candy nest...yum!
And look at this bread bunny!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Dying Easter Eggs

Grammy invited the boys and I and Jenny and the girls to dye Easter Eggs at the Trails Rec center.

Each child got 8 hard boiled eggs.

There was dye to color the eggs.

You could also paint the eggs.

Add glitter

And all sorts of other fun stuff

Thanks Grammy!