Saturday, August 24, 2013

Back To School 2013-14

Goodbye Summer!  Hello School!  This year Joe started First Grade and Jack started Jr. Kindergarten.  Here are some pictures of their first day of school.

Jack - Jr. Kindergarten

Joe - First Grade

Joe and Mama at School

Joe and Best friend Asher
Joe and Teacher, Mrs. Snyder

Mama, Jack, Papa and Grammy

Playing with Play Dough

Playing with Beads

Riding a Trike

Playing with BLUE Sand

Summer Fun - Weeks 10 & 11

Well, all good things have to come to an end.  In this case, Summer.  We sure did make the most of it!  The last two weeks we went to Movie Night at Southlands, Casa Bonita, the Denver Zoo, an exhibit on Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo, the opening of Cabella's, swam A LOT with grandma, celebrated Uncle Jard's Birthday and camped in the backyard.
At Southland with Cousins

The Zoo

Touching a Snake

Elephant Ears

Casa Bonita

Joe Won a Pinata
At Exibit

Showing off New Pajamas

Our first attempt to camp out in the backyard was ruined by hail.

One week later . . . PERFECT!

Roasting Marshmallows in the Backyard.
Swimming at Uncle Jard's Birthday Gathering

Opening of Cabellas in Lone Tree

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Oregon 2013 - Day 6 & 7

On our last two days of vacation, we went to OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science & Industry), played in the fountains at Jamison Square, went to the Portland Zoo and walked the waterfront along the Willamette River.  Goodbye Oregon!  We'll miss you!

Ball Tornado
Never too Old to Play "Store"

Chipmunk Hidey-Hole

Building Boats

"Ya, I think you're alright"

Jamison Square

Mmmmm . . . Ice Cream

Getting our tan on

Portland Zoo

Fountains at Waterfront

Friday, August 9, 2013

Oregon 2013 - Day 5

On day 5 we hiked up to the top of Multnomah Falls.  It is a little over a mile each way.  We met my mom's nephew and his girlfriend there.  When we got to the top we spread my Aunt Sandy's ashes at the top of the Falls.
Boys at lower viewing deck

Boys, Grandma and Fred

Hiking up to the top of the Falls

Jack at the top

Views from the top

Beautiful, eh?

Boys and Mama

Everyone at top

Spreading Aunt Sandy's Ashes