Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Sunday, December 7, 2014

10th Anniversary Trip to Cancun

This October was Josh and my 10th Wedding Anniversary.  We decided to splurge and take a trip to Cancun, Mexico.
The view from our hotel room

Our favorite spot

Hotel Beach

Josh reading and our balcony

View from our favorite spot

Santa 2014

We took the boys to see Santa today.  It is always such a fun time!

Go Joe!

Joe lost another tooth (I think his 9th) and has read 300,00 words (the highest amount in his class!).

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Swim Meet 11-30-14

Joe had another swim meet this past Sunday.  He did a great job!

25 freestyle - 3rd place

25 Backstroke - 3rd place

Medley Relay - 5th Place

25 Breaststroke - 2nd Place

Thanksgiving 2014

On Thanksgiving, we were lucky enough to spend lunch with Grandma and Grandpa and dinner with Grammy and Grandpa.  Keslie's cousin, Michelle, got married over the weekend as well.
Helping Grandma decorate her tree

Playing football with Grandpa

Hanging with Papa

Thanksgiving lunch

Silly Jack

Thanksgiving dinner

Keslie and Josh at cousin Michelle's wedding