Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Snow Day 2015

Yay!  Snow Day!
Snuggling with Mama

Poor Hobbs

Helping Mama Shovel

Going to The Lion King

Veteran's Day & Barnes & Noble

The Boys had two school events.  Grandpa Gary and Grammy Becky came for a Veteran's Day Breakfast and Parade.  The school also had a Barnes and Noble Night where Joe's artwork was displayed.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Estes Park - YMCA of the Rockies

Over Fall Break, all four grandparents and the four of us went to the YMCA of the Rockies in Estes Park.  It was truly a fabulous vacation.

Our Cabin

Day 1: Fall Crafting

Costume Roller Skating Party

Hayride & Marshmallow Roast

Day 2: Horseback Riding

Climbing Wall




Outdoor Chapel

Family Pics

Celebrating Joe's 9th Birthday

Wildlife Pics

What a fun trip!!