Sunday, October 30, 2016

Joe's 10th Birthday

Joe turned ten this past week.  Josh and I can't believe he is in the double digits!  I have to admit that this was an emotional milestone for me.  My little boy is growing up too fast!  We love you, Joe!
Making doughnut spiders for Joe's classroom party.

Celebrating with classmates

Birthday morning

Joe got a new tablet!

Birthday breakfast at the Original Pancake House

Josh took the day off to spend with us.

Celebrating with family/Joe opening Madden 17 game

New scooter

Birthday party with friends at the skate park

Fall Break 2016

The Boys and I had a great Fall Break.  We hung out with friends and grandparents and celebrated Joes' 10th Birthday!
Just hanging out

Grandma treated us to the fall festival at Nick's.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Halloween Fun

Joe and Jack had fun this month making pumpkin characters for the library contest.  They made the nac mac feegle from The Wee Free Men.  They also had a Monster Ball at school and went to Nick's Fall Festival.

Fall Festival with Grammy

Monster Ball (left to right; Joe, Mama, Jack)

Petting snakes at The Monster Ball

Nac Mac Feegle - Won 3rd Place for Teacher's Choice Award