Monday, February 20, 2017

Susan's 40th

My friend, Susan, turned 40 this month.  Her husband hired a limo and took couples for dinner, a comedy show and drinks.  Good times.

Fun Run 2017

The boys and I participated in Timberline's 2nd Annual Fun Run to raise money for the school.  Jack ran 63 laps, Joe ran 55 and I ran 75 over two sessions with my kindies.  It was a lot of fun!

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Super Bowl Champs

So, the Patriots won the Super Bowl and the boys (especially Josh and Joe) were super excited!
Watching end of game

Brady wins 5!

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Joe Battle of the Books and Choir

Joe was in his 2nd choir performance this month and also competed against other 4th and 5th graders in the Battle of the Books.  He read 15 books to compete.  His team didn't win, but he is excited to try again next year!
Joe is in top left corner

Battle of the books-Five teams of five

Joe and teachers Mrs. Ames and Mrs. Mielnicki

Pats in the Super Bowl 2017

We went to the Blake Street Tavern and also had fellow Pats fans over during the playoffs this year.