Monday, January 20, 2020

Fondue Party and New Year's Eve

My mom put on her annual Fondue Party and we celebrated New Year's Eve with our friends the Prichards and the Owens.

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day 2019

The first picture isn't from Christmas but it represents Christmas.  It was at a special dinner with Grammy and Grandpa.  We got to spend Christmas Eve at the Cantrell's house, Christmas Morning at our house and Christmas Day with the Steiner family.

Merry Christmas!

DCPA and Lighted Tree

My Mom and I went to see Escape to Margaritaville and saw the lighted tree they had outside the performing arts complex.  It changed with music and you could walk through it.  Quite a show!

Friday, January 3, 2020

Camp Christmas at The Hanger at Stanley Market

To get ready for the Christmas Season, we decorated our house and went to see the decorations at Camp Christmas, which walked you through the history of Christmas decor.