Friday, November 25, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

The Cantrells and Steiners on Thanksgiving

Kid's Table

Kids eating

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Joe's Thanksgiving Preschool Feast

Here we all are at Joe's Preschool Thanksgiving Feast.  The students made beans and hot dogs, pumpkin bread and juice.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Raking Leaves & Shoveling Snow

Our neighbor raking the leaves...

the boys spreading them back out.

Time to shovel up snow already!  Weren't we just raking the leaves?

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Carving Pumpkins

Finished Product

Halloween Night

Jack (Simba), Caroline (Chef) & Joe (Monkey) heading out to Trick or Treat!

Parker (Dragon)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Joe's Birthday/Halloween Party

Joe's Birthday Invitation

Guest(s) of Honor: Monkey and Simba

Guests came in costume and made Halloween projects.

Stained Glass Pumpkin

Spider Web

Halloween Puppets: friendly witch, vampire & pumpkin

Pumpkin Picture Frame

Look at all the fun costumes!

Time for lunch!

String Cheese Fingers, Apple Bites, Witch's Brew (not pictured)

Mummy Dogs, Halloween Shaped PBJ & Ghost Crackers

Vegetable Skeleton & "Chill"i (not pictured)

Let's Eat!

Next, we had a Mummy Wrap Game and a parade/trick-or-treat(not pictured) around the room.

All our mummies!

Mmmm...Dessert: Dirt Pudding. . .

Spider Cookies, Pumpkin Cookies and Banana Ghosts

Opening Presents
"Happy Birthday to you, Joe. We LOVE you!" ~Mama, Papa & Jack