Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Joe's Birthday/Halloween Party

Joe's Birthday Invitation

Guest(s) of Honor: Monkey and Simba

Guests came in costume and made Halloween projects.

Stained Glass Pumpkin

Spider Web

Halloween Puppets: friendly witch, vampire & pumpkin

Pumpkin Picture Frame

Look at all the fun costumes!

Time for lunch!

String Cheese Fingers, Apple Bites, Witch's Brew (not pictured)

Mummy Dogs, Halloween Shaped PBJ & Ghost Crackers

Vegetable Skeleton & "Chill"i (not pictured)

Let's Eat!

Next, we had a Mummy Wrap Game and a parade/trick-or-treat(not pictured) around the room.

All our mummies!

Mmmm...Dessert: Dirt Pudding. . .

Spider Cookies, Pumpkin Cookies and Banana Ghosts

Opening Presents
"Happy Birthday to you, Joe. We LOVE you!" ~Mama, Papa & Jack