Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day 2013

This year for Mother's Day, I had a lot of special things happen. Being a Mom is the greatest calling!
Jack's Preschool had a Mother's Day "Tea".

Jack made me a footprint picture and gave me some flowers.

My Mom had the boys grow some plants for me.

Joe made me a card, letter and teacup ornament.

My Mother-in-Law had the boys plant flowers for me as a surprise.

My side of the family went out to lunch together.

I went out to dinner with Grammy, Jenny, the boys and my nieces.

This was the gift the boys made for their grandmothers.
And this is the series of texts I received from Josh on Mother's Day morning.  Brought me to tears.

Josh, his Dad and brother went to St. Louis over the weekend to celebrate Dad's retirement.  This is the view from their seats at the Cardinals vs. Rockies Game.

Here they are at the top of the Gateway Arch.

Looking down from the top of the arch (the specks of white are people).

Looking up at the arch.

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