Friday, June 1, 2018

Joe's 5th Grade Graduation

I can't believe Joe is off to middle school next year.  It truly did go by so fast.  Joe was sick during his graduation (later we found out it was strep) but was such a trooper for the whole experience.  He won the Principal's Award, which only one student per class receives.  It is for overall academic, leadership and character.  I was so proud, I kept calling it the President's Award after.  The best part, it was a complete surprise.  It was not announced who the winner was until the graduation.  We are so proud of him!  We know he'll continue to do great things in middle school!

Announcement of Principal's Award - (video above)

Getting Diploma

Grammy, Joe & Grandpa

Mama & Joe

Grandma, Joe & Grandpa

Joe and friend, Brianna

Joe and Mr. Kampling

Joe and best friend, Jackson

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